fin de siècle: translates to end of the century, aligning to the theme of Issue 008 — time. the project studies the evolution of clowning and miming, whose uses evolved from providing joy to instigating fear. a hauntingly beautiful editorial spread that highlights the beauty of what typically catalyses fear. role: team lead + photographer + stylist

Layout: Julia Sweet | Graphics: Sarah Schonauer | Model: Martha Steele | Makeup: Avery Mason | Illustrations: Reilly Stasienko

intertwine: a 5 page editorial spread lead by natalie sisler. role: lead photographer

Layout + Lead: Natalie Sisler | Graphics: Natalie Sisler and Ellie Joyce | Models: Caroline Eyer and Kai Johnson | Styling: Kira Staubach | Associate Photo: Aaliyah Sansone

Executive Role: As the Executive Photo Editor, I oversaw the creation of TITLE Issue 008 and managed all photography-related responsibilities. My duties involved implementing strict deadlines for the worldwide fashion editorial photo team, offering direction to photographers throughout the project development, and more, in order to uphold exceptional production quality.
